Friday, September 14, 2012

in the wind

"Good Morning Beautiful!:)."

You don't understand how long I wanted to see that on my screen. It's amazing what can happen in a matter of days. How you can feel so so, whole and empty at the same moment. When you like someone so much, but at the same time cringe at the thought of them.

He's truly the nicest a boy has ever been to me. He constantly reminds me of how much he likes me. He tells me I'm beautiful, and amazing. He even said he loved my hair, and that ladies and gentlemen is a miracle. He puts himself out there, and has nothing to fear. He really makes me feel special.

I should instantly like him back right? Wrong. I wish I could, and maybe I do. There is something holding me back. In the back of my mind something is telling me no. To stop it before it even gets started. Maybe it's my past relationships that have failed miserably. Maybe it's just common sense, high school relationships never work out. Maybe it's because he's a bit too clingy.

I don't know what to do. Go for it? Hold back? Do myself a favor and jump off a cliff? I really have no idea, and it's killing me. It can so easy. I didn't even have to work for anything. It's weird not having a challenge. I like it, and yet I don't know.


p.s. any advice? i'd sure be grateful. 

1 comment:

  1. This is so good for you.
    And I'm so happy.
    Just let go and roll with it.
    He's cute.
