Tuesday, September 4, 2012

let's compare scars

i forgot how it happened.
how tears form, and then drop.
the unbearable feeling.

i hate it. not being able to
control them, like i usually can.
but when something so small and
insignificant happens, i burst.

it's gone soon, and i'm fine.
i've never felt like this. so happy
and yet so angry with myself. so sad
with the things i have lost.

it's just a memory, those things i lost
have forgotten about me. as if they
cared before. not now or ever.
moving on, and trying to breath. breathing
gets harder as i push everything down.

i'm surviving and trying my best. alone,
but not lonely. i look forward to the small
things. if i can get through this, it will
be okay. it just has to.

and it was okay,

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