Sunday, July 22, 2012

i wear boy clothes

Well. I'm slightly in love with my new naked teeth. They are smooth and slimy. Even though some people say I look like a mouse. I still enjoy them. It's better than braces. Plus eating an apple is heaven.

My big brother gave my a pretty new bracelet. It has a feather, some blue doohickey, and a silver doohickey. That's a fun word. Doohickey. Anyway, I shall wear it till it crumbles off my left wrist.

Update on my fish, Buck( I named him Buck after my BFF, even if we aren't on speaking terms at the moment)(I still don't understand why though either, it's not like you broke a law). It's still very alive. Rad, right?

I saw the new batman, it's excellent. Even if I did fall asleep for twenty minutes. I was super tired. It was still a rockin movie, go see it now.

I think I cried this week, I just can't remember when or why. Maybe it was a dream. If the tears would come, I'd be grateful. They just never ever do. It's a problem, maybe I should get tear duct implants.

Well I have to work for another two weeks, and this time I'm not really thrilled. I'm super sleepy and I feel like school is coming up fast. I'm not ready for summer to be over with. I still want my summer romance, and my kiss under the fireworks. I guess they will have to wait until next year.

At least I'm tan&happy. That's something I wish for often, is true happiness. I always find the happy. I find it in a baseball game with the ginger, with the cute baseball players. It's at the pool where I get to tease Mr. Life-guard and work. It's in compliments on my new smile. It's in my ever fading hair color. Happiness is in my lovely music I listen to. It's everywhere, just open your eyes.

kiss me again(By We Are The In Crowd),


  1. #6. He shouldve made that slide into home. Dang it. Still love him<3
    Ps "doohickey"? Hahaha. Funny word.
