Sunday, April 15, 2012

mr.h, you have done it again

"I think the reason why is because even though ***** can be all that he isn't completely. He has that good in him and something that you still admire and that keeps you holding on..."

"Kara it isn't a bad thing to still have that feeling... in fact embrace it. Maybe it will go away naturally or maybe not/ Don't try to force it. And maybe you can because really good friends again and then every time he can make you smile is all the more special.
Sometimes it may hurt or be hard but that just means that there is someone that means something to you and make life a little more enjoyable. See where thinks take you and maybe you'll find yourself at the bright end of things. :)"

I have no words of thanks for this young man. He is the only one that actually understands. Thank you.

understanding herself,

P.s. He's close to my heart.
That's what it is.


  1. I hope you don't mind....I'm now following your adorable blog! Yay me :) You are such a cutie and I can't wait to "follow" this cute site! XOXO

    1. Oh thanks so much! I'm glad to have another reader(:
